Children’s Church: Creation Lesson

I am thrilled to have started leading the preschool class at our church once a month! I get to craft and teach with Bean, and see first-hand what he’s like with his friends (a little more rambunctious than I would have thought but he IS a boy 😉 ). 

Our church is going through the Jesus Storybook Bible curriculum, so I had the Creation Lesson. I was very excited because there are so many great ideas to correlate with this theme. 

I started with a snack–preschoolers are hungry critters! We made a trail mix that followed the 7 days of Creation:

  1. Day One: Light and Dark = circus animal crackers (pink and white)
  2. Day Two: Ground and Sky = Blue and Brown M&M’s
  3. Day Three: Grass and Trees = Green M&M’s and Pretzels
  4. Day Four: Sun, Moon, and Stars = Yellow and Orange M&M’s
  5. Day Five: Fish and Birds = Goldfish Crackers
  6. Day Six: Animals and People = Animal Crackers
  7. Day Seven: Rest = Mini Marshmallows

While they ate their snack we watched the video reading from the Jesus Storybook Bible DVD. 

After the movie, I took out discovery bags numbered 1-6. I held up each bag and asked if the kids remembered what was made on that day then pulled out something to signify it:

  1. Day One: Flashlight
  2. Day Two: Water cup
  3. Day Three: Toy tree, flowers, leaves
  4. Day Four: Glow in the dark stars 
  5. Day Five: Toy bird and fish
  6. Day Six: Toy horse and people

I had each kid stand up with their item and then on the seventh day, rest, they all sat down. We did this twice to get some wiggles out, then put the things back in the right bags to get ready for craft time.

For craft we made our own little worlds! I had collected plastic baby food containers and was looking for something to do with them. We glue-sticked cotton balls to the inside of the lid, then tore green paper for grass on the bottom. Then we put little toy animals ($1 store!) inside and shut the lid! The kids LOVED it!

It was a very successful first class and I’m looking forward to planning next month’s: Abraham!

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