My Job: Being a SAHM

Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you found time to enjoy your children and your children to show their appreciation for you! I am continually amazed at the variety of moms out there, all doing their best for their kids! For some that includes working, for others it means getting to stay home.

Have you ever thought about how being a Stay-At-Home-Mom (SAHM) is like any other job?

Cranky coworkers

Yes, even my kids, who are perfect angels ( šŸ˜‰  ), have their cranky moments. Especially now that Bean is midway through being three. And I’ve certainly woken up on the wrong side of the bed many times! Sometimes days in a row…

Water cooler complaints

Every play date is secretly a chance to talk to other moms about how life is going. It often includes advice for what to do with a problematic “customer.”

Short/non-existent lunch breaks

Definitely gobbled my fair share of meals down as quickly as possible so I can help the kids eat.

Company car

Certainly feels like this car isn’t mine, y’know what I mean?

Work clothes

Yoga pants and a t-shirt for this mom. The nice weather helps me find a reason to dress up, though, since I’m still not comfortable in leggings in public…

Budget meetings

Blech. I hate having to do it but you gotta meet with the spouse occasionally to discuss where all the money’s going.

Work conferences (i.e. “date night”)

I have a friend who actually calls date night “work conferences” since that’s what usually ends up being discussed over the course of the evening–the kids!

Fixed salary, many hours

In my case the salary is $0, currently, but the hours are sometimes overwhelming!

Benefitsā€¦ so, so, SO many benefits!

This is the best part! Where do I begin? I get to wake up each morning to an adorable child begging to play with me! All they want is my attention all day–which is a benefit because how much longer will I get to enjoy that? Reading as much as I want–provided they’re children’s books! I can’t wait to start reading chapter books with them! I get to go outside in beautiful weather instead of being stuck inside! I get to cook and bake–with help! I have willing helpers with the “chores”–they see them as games!–like laundry and dishes! I get to play games, do puzzles, and pretend! I get to color (which apparently adults will pay to do these days)! I get to do crafts whenever I want with eager participants! I get to dance and sing and watch my favorite nostalgic movies (Mary Poppins! Disney Sing-along Songs! Winnie the Pooh!)! 

So yes, being a SAHM is hard, difficult even, but the benefits far outweigh the struggles and make me so, SO grateful I am at home with my kids this Mother’s Day!

Posted in Humor, Mommyhood


My name is Patricia Meredith and I am a stay-at-home mom with a full-time job of raising two adorable children alongside an amazing husband. I enjoy crafting, reading, writing, cooking, baking, playing pretend, and bringing my kids' stuffed animals to life. I have been truly blessed by my Lord and Savior and do all things to the glory of Him who lives in me.

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