Simple DIY Book Puzzles

The following is going to sound like one big sell for a certain product but I promise I bought this product on my own dime long before I started blogging, so this is strictly my personal opinion that has not been bought in any way, shape, or form.


I just have to say—as I use it yet again—my favorite thing to use when crafting—so far!—is my laminator. I use it All The Time. Ask my husband. I laminate everything.

I use it in large part to preserve memories, but I also use it for lots of craft projects.

Here are some examples:

Laminate Valentines sent to everyone this year so I have copies in my memory box

Laminate to do list and food planner so can use with dry-erase markers

Laminate pictures I love for decorations that I could never afford to have framed

Laminate banner bits so they’ll last longer

Laminate coloring and activity pages for use again and again with a dry-erase marker (though I have found if you don’t wipe the marker before putting it away, this is harder to clean without an alcohol wipe)

Laminate pictures or art for bookmarks

Laminate daily schedules to check off throughout the day

Laminate memory game cards

Laminate any homemade printable games, play roads, magnetic toys so they’ll last much longer

Laminate pictures then attach magnets on back for homemade magnets

Laminate old calendar and book pictures then cut into puzzles

The list goes on and on!

Now, I’ve made some really important discoveries in regards to the difference between a heated laminator and contact paper. I used to think contact paper was just the cheaper, easier way to do it but this is SO NOT TRUE.

The biggest difference is that when I laminate something, I can cut it out and it stays together without needing to make sure it’s sealed on all sides like I do with contact paper. Case in point: We made these tissue paper window ornaments for Easter (see “Stickerphobia and Contact Paper“) and they definitely did not stay together as nicely as I’d like because I just cut them out without making sure there was a border of contact paper sealed together around the edges. I just didn’t have time for that. But on the other hand, I made these laminated puzzles (see “A Year of Homemade Gifts”) out of old book pages and did the same thing—just cut them right out—and they’re holding together great! 


So, lesson learned: contact paper and lamination are NOT equal!

How do you use lamination to preserve or create? Please share your ideas!

Posted in Crafts


My name is Patricia Meredith and I am a stay-at-home mom with a full-time job of raising two adorable children alongside an amazing husband. I enjoy crafting, reading, writing, cooking, baking, playing pretend, and bringing my kids' stuffed animals to life. I have been truly blessed by my Lord and Savior and do all things to the glory of Him who lives in me.

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